Share PriceAUD$
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*From prior day close

Frequently Asked Questions


Where are GQG Partners' ordinary shares listed?Collapsed
Where can I find information on GQG Partners' share price?Collapsed
Who is the share registry for GQG Partners?Collapsed
Can I check my GQG Partners shareholding on the internet?Collapsed
How do I change my name or address or other details?Collapsed
How do I buy or sell GQG Partners ordinary shares?Collapsed

Dividends and capital return

What is GQG Partners’ dividend policy? Does GQG Partners pay dividends on ordinary shares?Collapsed

Financial information

When will GQG Partners report the next set of financial results?Collapsed
Can I receive the GQG Partners Limited annual report electronically?Collapsed
How can I receive a hard copy of GQG Partners' annual report?Collapsed